Let’s Start From The Beginning…


On August 26th 2020, I went for a physical exam to finalize paperwork so my husband and I could move overseas on military orders. The physical evolved to an OBGYN exam. Thanks to the kindness and positive energy of a very special nurse and listening to my intuition, my lump was found.

You can read more about this day below.

On September 15th 2020, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. During this call, I was also told that my Pap smear came back abnormal and I would need further testing on my cervix.

Following additional exams and appointments, it was determined that I would be facing Stage 2, Grade 3 Triple Negative Breast Cancer.

Fortunately, everything came back clear in my cervix.

On October 19th 2020, I started chemotherapy. My treatment plan consists of eight rounds of chemotherapy over 16 weeks, followed by surgery. Hopefully, my margins will be clear, and that will be it for this fight.

Friends and family have continually reached out to ask me what they could do to help. I live my life with the motto, “Seize the day. Make an impact,” and I realized what I really wanted was for them to embrace that and do something kind for someone else. So the best way for you to help me get through this journey? Help us reach 1,600 acts of kindness worldwide.

The story behind the Chemo to Kindness Challenge

Upon arrival for my physical exam on August 26th, I met my nurse— who I would later come to know as the woman who saved my life.

This woman had the most amazing energy all morning.

She was the kind of person who loves what she does, and you know that it's true because you can feel it. After answering questions and chatting a bit, I told her just how much she was making my morning with her genuine kindness.

When the doctor arrived, we discussed doing an OBGYN exam, but she didn't think a breast exam was necessary. After all, I am 28 and just had a breast exam not too long ago. She left the room for a minute to go grab something.

"So you're not doing the breast exam?" asked the nurse.

I paused.

"Because you said it, let's do it," I replied.

When the doctor came back in the room, I asked for the breast exam. I will never forget that moment— with the doctor and nurse in the room with me, my gown open and my mask on. The left breast was clear. In the right breast, my lump was discovered.

I share this story because it exemplifies how much your energy and kindness can change someone's life— even for a perfect stranger. This act of kindness inspired me to create "Lorelei's Chemo to Kindness Challenge."

This is my breast cancer journey so far.

Let’s use this experience to help others. Spread awareness. Spread kindness.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.