Discovering Amazing Possibilities on your Healing Journey

Carmen invited me on her podcast “Discovering Amazing Possibilities” to discuss my experience with triple negative breast cancer at 28 and the amazing possibilities of healing along the way.

Carmen asked thoughtful questions that required honest answers about my journey and the reality of healing. I hope this conversation educates and enlightens non-cancer friends about the realities of cancer treatment and survivorship. The journey doesn’t end when we ring the bell, and it would be encouraging if more people understood that.

As I share with Carmen, sometimes you’re the phoenix and sometimes you’re the ashes. Survivorship is hard, but there are plenty of amazing possibilities waiting to be discovered as you face it and begin to heal.

Ahhh… so beautiful. Hope you enjoy this one!

You can listen to Discovering Amazing Possibilities Episode 33. Discovering Possibility on your Healing Journey with Lorelei Colbert on Spotify and Apple.


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